Archive by Author


Vishnu Sahasarnamam

As part of Sadhana, Swamiji mentions that we do prayers, stuties, puja etc to prepare our-self.  One of the Strotram is Vishnu Sahasra Namam.  Here are the Sanskrit lyrics and YouTube presentation of Vishnu Sahasaranamam: (more…)

Devi Kavacham – Argala – Stotram

As part of Sadhana, Swamiji mentions that we do prayers, stuties, puja etc to prepare our-self.  One of the Strotram is Devi Kavcham – Argala Stotram.  Here are the Sanskrit lyrics and YouTube presentation of Devi Kavacham – Argala – Stotram: You can follow this stotram with this video in YouTube:   (more…)

Kaivalya Upanishad

Namaste: Please click on the link below for my notes on Kaivalya Upanishads.  These notes are based on the teachings of Swami Paramarthananda. Notes-KaivalyaUpanishad (more…)