Archive by Author


Discussion Summary July 12, 2015

On July 12, 2015, the group listened to Swami Paramarthananda’s 30th class on Katha Upaishad.  This class covered verses 3 and 4 of first section of second chapter. The following was captured by Ram Ramaswamy in today’s lecture.   If any body else has a different take on our discussion, we hope they will share […]

Discussion Summary July 5, 2015

Thanks to Ram Ramaswamy for this excellent summary of today’s class and discussion. Swamiji started chapter two canto 1 today. In the first three shlokas swamiji says to realize Atman the mind has to be inward focused rather than outwards towards the external/material world.  He described the three defects of external world. The defects are: […]

Discussion Summary, June 28, 2015

Thanks to Ram Ramaswamy for this summary: During our discussion today, Swamiji summarized the three cantos (also called Valli’s). In the first Valli (canto) Swamiji reminded us that Nachiketas felt his first duty was to society, then to family and lastly to himself as the individual self. The group discussed this particular subject and the […]

Discussion Summary June 21, 2015

During our discussion today we discussed Karma yoga. For those who feel they are not prepared for Gyana yoga for them Swamiji recommends practice of Karma yoga. In this context the question was raised as to what are some practical applications of Karma yoga one can take away. Interesting ideas were brought out. I share […]