Tag Archives: bagawat geeta


Baghawad Gita, Class 203: Verses 15 to 19

Continuing his teachings Swamiji said, From the 7th verse of the 16th chapter, Sri Krishna is talking about asuri sampat, which we have to know as an obstacle to spiritual growth; and therefore, we should take all pains to avoid these traits; And asuri sampat includes, rakshasic Sampath. Asuri sampat means raga pradhāna life; a […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 186 – Chapter 14 Verses 19 and 20

Each guna binds a person in one way or another, because each guna requires a particular set up.  Satva guna requires a setup conducive to knowledge and tranquility, rājo guna requires a setup conducive to activity and tāmo guna requires a setup conducive to sleep.  A particular set up that is favorable for sattva guna, […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 184 – Chapter 14 Verses 10 to 13

Our body mind complex is made up of three gunas, and ahaMkAra is part of body mind complex.  As a result, we can’t escape the three gunas and we are forced to live with the three gunas and saguna ahaMkAra.  To handle the ahaMkAra, we must understand ahaMkAra and which guna is dominant in us […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 182 – Chapter 14 Verses 5

The first four verses are introductory verses, dealing with self-knowledge.  Self-knowledge is liberating wisdom.  The third and fourth verses discuss creation; every product in creation is a mixture of two parts – purusha and prakriti; or called brahma and maya; or father and mother; Whenever we talk of Eeswara, that Eeswara is a mixture of […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 181 – Chapter 14 Verses 1 to 4

In the last ṣatkam of Bhagavat Gita, the first three chapters – chapters 14, 15 and 16 – mainly focus on jñāna yoga.  Nethi Nethi method:  Whatever I experience, I am not; by negating everything I experience, then I left out with is the experiencer, who can never be the object.  Arrive at the subject […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 180 – Chapter 13 Summary

The thirteenth chapter is the beginning of the third ṣatkam of Bhagavad Gita. In the first ṣatkam, Lord Krishna highlighted karma yoga, in the second ṣatkam, Krishna highlighted Upasana yoga and in the third ṣatkam Krishna is going highlight jñāna yoga.  The first three chapters, that is chapter 13, 14 and 15, are very important […]

Bhaghavat Gita Overview

In this video, I present the structure of Bhagavad Gita. This is an outline based on Swami Paramarthanand class at the beginning of Chapter 13 of Bhagavad Gita. This video is based on my notes from that class, supplemented with a few charts. This is not a teaching of Bhagavad Gita, just an overivew. I […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 179 – Chapter 13 Verses 32 to 35

Up to the 24th verse of this chapter, Lord Krishna discussed the six topics Arjuna requested.  From 25, 26 and 27, the sadhanas were discussed.  From the 28th verse onwards, jnana phalāḥṃ is being discussed. The first benefit discussed was complete understanding of the universe. The eye of wisdom sees inherent superficial duality and this […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 178 – Chapter 13 Verses 28 to 31

Up to the 24th verse, Lord Krishna dealt with all the six topics Arjuna wanted to know.  From verse 25 to 27, Lord Krishna talked about the sadhanas required to gain this knowledge, the culmination of this knowledge should be knowledge.  Problem of samsara is because of the error with regard to the perception of […]