Tag Archives: bagawat geeta



Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya  ” MAMAKAH PANDAVAH CA EVA DHARMAKSHETRE KIM AKURVATHAH”   (What did MY PEOPLE and also the Pandavas do in the Holy land?)   Dhritarashtra was born congenitally blind. He also acquired inner blindness  by his selfishness and excessive attachment to Duryodhana.  Dhritarashtra, being blind, was not eligible for the throne and hence PANDU […]


Scriptures point out that human beings have 4 possible destinations. Rebirth—(PUNAR JANMA):  As a result of fructification of Sanchitha  karma ,beings attain suitable bodies.This cycle continues for most people until their Sanchita Karma is exhausted.This is possible only with attainment of Self Knowledge. Attainment of Swarga.(PARA LOKA PRAPTHI): Some people believe that attainment of celestial pleasures in Swarga is freedom.  Sastras do talk about these to those who […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 4

Greetings All, Gita, Chapter # 1: Swamiji started his talks on the Gita today. He says: Chapter 1 is an introduction to the Gita. It is a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna. The main theme of Gita starts at Verse #11, chapter 2. Even Shankarachraya’s commentaries start from this point. The introduction in chapter 1 […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 3

Greetings All, Swamiji continued with his discussion of the invocation prayer called Gitagyana Shloka. Madhusudhana Saraswathi wrote this Shloka. While this shloka was not originally a part of Gita, it is now accepted as one.  The Gitagyana Shloka has nine verses. In these Shlokas we are offering namaskara to: Bharathi, Gita/ Saraswathi, Vyasa and Lord […]


This glory of the GITA is narrated in VARAHA PURANA Bhudevi(Maha Lakshmi) approached Lord Vishnu and enquired – How , one who is bound with his Prarabdha maintain constant devotion upon You? The Lord replied that who meditates on Gita will attain that status. Lord further asserted that where ever  the book GITA is kept, […]