Tag Archives: bagawat geeta


Bhagwat Geeta, Class 147 – Chapter 11 Viśvarũpa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 30 to 33

Viśvarũpa consists of everything including time.  Time and space are an integral property of creation.  Time and space can never be separated from creation, they arise along with creation.  When Arjuna experiences the viśvarũpa, he also experiences time principle.  This invisible all-pervading time principle or kala tattvam is symbolized by the mouth of the lord.  […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 146 – Chapter 11 Viśvarũpa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 23 to 29

Blessed by Dhivya Chakshu, Arjuna is having viśvarũpa darshanam of the Lord.  He goes through three stages and his reaction to each stage is different.  First stage is wonder.  Anything in mass scale results in wonder, similar to seeing water in a huge waterfall.  Verse 23 Oh Lord! People are frightened by seeing your huge […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 145 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 18 to 22

To have viśvarũpa darshanam, we require physical eye to see the universe as the body of the eye.  We are all gifted with physical eye.   But this is not enough, we also need the attitude by which we look upon the universe as the body of the Lord.  Lord is the material cause of the […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 144 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 14 to 18

For viśvarũpa darshanam in addition to regular eye, we need a special attitude which is born out of study of scriptures as well as a prepared mind.  Without the prepared mind, we can see viśva but it will not be seen as viśvarũpa Eeswara.  Knowledge, cognitive factors, and a pure mind all required for viśvarũpa […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 143 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 7 to 13

Lowkiga sakshu (presence of lord) and divya sakshu (prepared mind) are both needed for Eeswara darshanam. Divya sakshu is a refined mind and not a physical mind.  Eeswara darshanam is possible only when both lowkiga sakshu and divya sakshu are present.  Lord’s universal form is available for everyone, but not everyone gets the same impact […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 142 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 4 to 6

Scriptures and puranas describe the vision of Eeswara darshanam as a thrilling and fulfilling experience.  Any experience involves two things.  One if the object of experience which should be available.  It is not enough that the object of experience is available, we require a subject of experience is also available.  Object of experience should be […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 141 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 1 to 3

The word Yogaha at the end of every topic means a topic.  viśva roopa darshana means the vision of the Lord as viśva roopa, which is the name of the Lord.  Viśva roopam means the lord whose form is nothing but the very universe itself.  How can one have darshana of the lord in the […]

Sadhana Panchakam – Class 6

Having discussed sravanam and mananam part of Jñāna yoga, Sankarachariyar is discussing nidhithyasanam which is meant to convert the knowledge into emotional strength.  This is meant for Jñāna nishta.  Nidhithyasanam is of two types: Withdrawing from all vyākara and dwelling up on vedic teaching.  This is sitting nidhithyasanam .  Always being alert in my day-to-day […]