Tag Archives: discourse


Discussion Summary September 20, 2015

In today’s class, Swamiji continued verses 11 to 15,  of the third section of the second chapter of Kathopanishad.  The subject of these verses are nature of paramatma,  jivatma/paramtma aikyam and benefits of jivatma paramatma aikyam.   Swamiji continued to mention the common features of surya prakasha (sun light) and chaithanyam or atma: They both […]

Introduction to Vedanta

This document was created by John Manetta and is class notes for one of the discourses given by Swami Paramrthananda. The term Vedanta may sound overwhelming, but this document explains many subjects like the organization of Vedic scriptures, creation, karma and ends with an introduction of Tattvabodha (Self Knowledge) (more…)