Tag Archives: discourse


Mandukya Upanishad, Class 10

In the seventh mantra the Upanishads is talking about thuriya pada, which is consciousness not associated with any other padhas and looked at its own stand point.  The first three padhas are divided into subject object duality.  But in thuriyam, it does not have pramadha premaya duality.  Thuriyum is neither pramdaha knower and premayam the […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 130: Chapter 10, Verses 8 to 12

Shloka # 8: अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्तः सर्वं प्रवर्तते। इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसमन्विताः।।10.8।। “I am the source of all things; all things proceed from Me”, so holding with deep loyalty to truth, the wise adore Me. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, after giving an introduction in the first three shlokas, God is presented […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 9

Karika # 9: भोगार्थं सृष्टिरित्यन्ये क्रीडार्थमिति चापरे ।  देवस्यैष स्वाभावोऽयमाप्तकामस्य का स्पृहा ॥ ९ ॥ Others think that the world is being created fore the purpose of God’s enjoyment, while others still attribute it to a mere play of the Lord. But it is the very nature of the effulgent Being, the Atman; for what […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 130: Chapter 10, Verses 4 to 10

Shloka 4 and 5: बुद्धिर्ज्ञानमसंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः। सुखं दुःखं भवोऽभावो भयं चाभयमेव च।।10.4।। Intelligence, knowledge, non-delusion, endurance, truthfulness, sense control, mind control, pleasure, pain, being, non-being, fear and fearlessness. अहिंसा समता तुष्टिस्तपो दानं यशोऽयशः। भवन्ति भावा भूतानां मत्त एव पृथग्विधाः।।10.5।। Non-violence, equanimity, contentment, penance, charity, renown, ill-fame–from Me alone these manifold states accrue […]

Mandukya Upanishad Class 8

Karika # 4:  Tripti Trayam:  स्थूलं तर्पयते विश्वं प्रविविक्तं तु तैजसम् ।  आनन्दश्च तथा प्राज्ञं त्रिधा तृप्तिं निबोधत ॥ ४ ॥ The gross objects satisfy the Viswa, whereas the subtle objects satisfy the Taijasa, while the bliss satisfies the Prajna, Thus the bliss is threefold. Swamiji said in these karika shlokas Gudapada is summarizing the […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 128: Chapter 9 Summary

Swamiji concluded Chapter 9 with a summary today. He said this chapter is similar to chapter 7 and very different from chapter 8. Sri Krishna wants to show the differences between Ch #9 and Ch #8. Ch 8, elaborated on saguna ishwara upasana. Saguna ishwara upasana was shown as meditation on God with virtues. Saguna […]

Bghawat Geeta, Class 127: Chapter 9, Verses 30 to 34

Shloka # 30: अपि चेत्सुदुराचारो भजते मामनन्यभाक्। साधुरेव स मन्तव्यः सम्यग्व्यवसितो हि सः।।9.30।। Despite his extremely wicked conduct, if a man worships Me exclusively he must indeed be deemed worthy; for his resolution is right. Continuing his talk on chapter 9, Swamiji said, Sri Krishna has completed the topic of comparison and contrast of sakama […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 7

Mantra # 6: This is the Lord of all, this is the knower of all, this is the inner controller, this is the source of all. And this is that from which all things originate and in which they finally dissolve themselves. Swamiji said the Upanishad is in middle of Chatushpada Atma Vichara. The teaching […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 126: Chapter 9, Verses 27 to 30

Shloka # 27: यत्करोषि यदश्नासि यज्जुहोषि ददासि यत्। यत्तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत्कुरुष्व मदर्पणम्।।9.27।। Whatever you do, eat, sacrifice, offer as gift, perform as austerity, O Arjuna! do all this as a dedication to Me. Continuing his talk on chapter 9, Swamiji said, from shloka # 21 to # 29 Sri Krishna is dealing with topic of […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 124: Chapter 9, Verses 20 – 23

त्रैविद्या मां सोमपाः पूतपापा यज्ञैरिष्ट्वा स्वर्गतिं प्रार्थयन्ते। ते पुण्यमासाद्य सुरेन्द्रलोक मश्नन्ति दिव्यान्दिवि देवभोगान्।।9.20।। Conversant with the lore of the triple Vedic texts, drinkers of soma-juice, cleansed of sins, crave attainment after having sacrificed unto Me. They reach the meritorious world of Indra and enjoy there devine felicities. Continuing his talk on chapter 9, Swamiji said, […]