Tag Archives: Gita


Bhagwat Geeta, Class 143 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 7 to 13

Lowkiga sakshu (presence of lord) and divya sakshu (prepared mind) are both needed for Eeswara darshanam. Divya sakshu is a refined mind and not a physical mind.  Eeswara darshanam is possible only when both lowkiga sakshu and divya sakshu are present.  Lord’s universal form is available for everyone, but not everyone gets the same impact […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 142 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 4 to 6

Scriptures and puranas describe the vision of Eeswara darshanam as a thrilling and fulfilling experience.  Any experience involves two things.  One if the object of experience which should be available.  It is not enough that the object of experience is available, we require a subject of experience is also available.  Object of experience should be […]

Bhagwat Geeta, Class 141 – Chapter 11 Viśva Roopa Darshana Yogaha, Verses 1 to 3

The word Yogaha at the end of every topic means a topic.  viśva roopa darshana means the vision of the Lord as viśva roopa, which is the name of the Lord.  Viśva roopam means the lord whose form is nothing but the very universe itself.  How can one have darshana of the lord in the […]

Sadhana Panchakam – Class 6

Having discussed sravanam and mananam part of Jñāna yoga, Sankarachariyar is discussing nidhithyasanam which is meant to convert the knowledge into emotional strength.  This is meant for Jñāna nishta.  Nidhithyasanam is of two types: Withdrawing from all vyākara and dwelling up on vedic teaching.  This is sitting nidhithyasanam .  Always being alert in my day-to-day […]

Sadhana Panchakam – Class 5

Shankaracharya discussing final stages of Jñāna yoga – sravanam, mananam, nidhithyasanam.  Sravanam is nothing but systematic analysis of upaniṣadic statement.  It is called vedanta vichara, vedanta mimamsa etc.  Through systematic analysis we discover consciousness is the essence of individuals, and existence is the essence of the world; consciousness and existence are one and the same.  […]

Baghawad Geeta, Class 143: Chapter 11, Verses 7 to 13

Shloka 11. 7: इहैकस्थं जगत्कृत्स्नं पश्याद्य सचराचरम्। मम देहे गुडाकेश यच्चान्यद्द्रष्टुमिच्छसि।।11.7।। See now, O gudakesa, O Gudakesa (Arjuna), the entire Universe together with the moving and the non-moving, concentrated at the same place here in My body, as also whatever else you would like to see. Continuing his teaching, Swamiji said, Arjuna asked for Vishwa […]

Bhagawad Gita, Class 142: Chapter 11, Verses 3 to 8

Shloka # 3: एवमेतद्यथात्थ त्वमात्मानं परमेश्वर। द्रष्टुमिच्छामि ते रूपमैश्वरं पुरुषोत्तम।।11.3।। Supreme Lord! Highest Spirit! It is even as you have described yourself. Yet I would like to see this lordly form of Yours. Continuing his teaching, Swamiji said, Chapter # 11 is dealing with Vishwa Rupa Ishwara Darshanam. We should have a clear understanding of […]

Baghawad Geeta, Class 141: Chapter 11, Verses 1 to 3

Continuing his teaching, Swamiji said, having completed chapter 10 known as Vibhuti Yoga, now we are entering Chapter 11 known as Vishwarupa darshana yoga. The word yoga attached to each chapter refers to the episode or the topic. So vishvarupa darshana yoga means the episode, which deals with vishvarupa darshanam.  It means Vision of God […]