Tag Archives: religious study


Taitreya Upanishad, Class 3

Greetings All, Continuing his introduction to the Upanishad, Swami Paramarthananda said, in the last class he pointed out that among many Upanishads ten are most important due to Shankaracharya writing commentaries on them. All of them are chosen from the Vedas. Taittiriya Upanishad is from Yajur Veda. Yajur veda has two branches. Krishna Yajur and […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 70: Chapter 5, Verses 3 to 7

Shloka # 3: ज्ञेयः स नित्यसंन्यासी यो न द्वेष्टि न काङ्क्षति। निर्द्वन्द्वो हि महाबाहो सुखं बन्धात्प्रमुच्यते।।5.3।। Know him to be a perpetual renouncer who neither shuns nor seeks, O mighty-armed! One who is above such contraries is really liberated from bondage. Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said that the teaching of previous three […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 1

Greetings All, Introduction: Starting his teaching of the Upanishad, Swami Paramarthananda said, as a general introduction he wanted to recollect from his previous discussions on Upanishads. Basic scriptures are called Vedas also known as sources or instruments of Knowledge. They are four in all. They are further divided into two parts. First part is known […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 69, Chapter 5

Greetings All, Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda started Chapter 5 today.  He said in chapters 2, 3 and 4 respectively, Sri Krishna spoke about two topics. He spoke about Sadhana and Lifestyle. Recapping those teachings Swamiji said: Sadhana: Regarding Sadhana he made it clear that everyone has to go through Karma Yoga Sadhana […]

Saddharshanam, Class 23

Greetings All, Shloka # 39: To say there is duality during the inquiry, but non-duality in the knowledge of the Supreme is not right. The tenth man’s tenth-ness is one and same when he is lost before the search and when he is found later. Continuing his teaching, Swami Paramarthananda said, this is a very […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 67 Chapter 4

Greetings All, Shloka # 36: निहत्य धार्तराष्ट्रान्नः का प्रीतिः स्याज्जनार्दन। पापमेवाश्रयेदस्मान्हत्वैतानाततायिनः।।1.36।। Even if, among all sinners, you are the very worst, by this raft of knowledge you will go beyond sin.  Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, from shloka # 36 onwards Sri Krishna is talking about Gyana phalam. In shloka # 36 […]

Bagawat Geeta Class 66, Chapter 4

Greetings All, Shloka # 34: तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया। उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्त्वदर्शिनः।।4.34।। Know it by means of obeisance, exhaustive questionings, service to the (teacher). Knowers who have realized the truth impart to you that knowledge. Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, in shlokas 26 to 33, Sri Krishna talked about the glory […]

Bagawat Geeta, Chapter 4, Class 65

Greetings All, Shloka # 30: अपरे नियताहाराः प्राणान्प्राणेषु जुह्वति। सर्वेऽप्येते यज्ञविदो यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः।।4.30।। Yet others, with strictly regulated diet, sacrifice vital breaths in vital breaths. All those are conversant with sacrifice, having destroyed their sins by acts of sacrifice. Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, Sri Krishna has talked about 12 disciplines (mental discipline, […]

Saddarshanam, Class 21

Greetings All, Shloka # 35: “I am not myself” or “I know myself”… such expressions of man are a laughable matter. Is the Self two-fold, by the division of the Seer and the seen? In the knowledge of the oneness of one’s Self, indeed, there are no divisions.” Continuing his teaching, Swami Paramarthananda said, Bhagawan […]

Saddarshanam, Class 20

Greetings All, Shloka # 32: Having reached within the heart, by the search, the “I” notion whose head is broken, falls. Then, another “ I” which is the main one shines forth. It is not ego, but it is Supreme fullness alone. Continuing his teaching, Swami Paramarthananda said, here Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi presents the result […]