Tag Archives: religious study


Bagawat Geeta, Chapter 4, Class 64

Greetings All, Shloka # 27: र्वाणीन्द्रियकर्माणि प्राणकर्माणि चापरे। आत्मसंयमयोगाग्नौ जुह्वति ज्ञानदीपिते।।4.27।। Yet others sacrifice all sense-activities and all activities of vital breaths in the fire of self-restraint, kindled by knowledge. Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, with the 24th shloka Sri Krishna concluded Gyana Yoga. In shlokas 25 through 34 he now talks […]

Saddharshanam, Class 19

Greetings All, Shloka # 31: Diving in silence by the mind, inquiring about one’s root alone is true Self-inquiry. “This I am” and “This I not my nature” these thoughts are a limb of true inquiry. Continuing his teaching, Swami Paramarthananda said, Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi, after dealing with the nature of Ahamkara as a mythical […]

Saddharshanam, Class 18

Greetings All, Shloka # 29: That is true Being, where the ego does not rise. That again will not perish without a search for its place of emergence. If that does not perish, can there be the Being in the form of oneness with one’s self. Continuing his teaching, Swami Paramarthananda said, Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi […]

Bagawat Geeta Class 63, Chapter 4

Greetings All, Shloka # 24: ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्महविर्ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम्। ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना।।4.24।। The means of the sacrificial offering is Brahman; Brahman is the oblation placed in the fire of Brahman and by Brahman is the sacrifice made. This scarificer, who concentrates on the act that is Brahman, reaches Brahman alone. Continuing his teachings of […]

Saddharshanam Class 17

Greetings All, Shloka #27: The ghost of the ego is born amidst forms, based on a group of forms, the eater of forms, who has given up and held forms, is by itself formless and runs away at the time of inquiry into itself. Continuing his teaching, Swami Paramarthananda said, in this shloka Bhagawan Ramana […]

Bagawat Geeta Class 62, Chapter 4

Greetings All, Shloka # 20: त्यक्त्वा कर्मफलासङ्गं नित्यतृप्तो निराश्रयः। कर्मण्यभिप्रवृत्तोऽपि नैव किञ्चित्करोति सः।।4.20।। Giving up attachment to the fruits of works, eternally content, independent, the man, engaged in works as he is, does nothing at all. Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, in shlokas # 18-24 Sri Krishna is giving us the essence […]

Saddarshanam, Class 16

Greetings All, Shloka #26: The body does not know. Of the Truth, there is no birth. In the middle of these two, another of the size of the body rises, which is of the names ego, knot, bondage, subtle mind, mind, the realm of becoming and the individual. Continuing his teaching, Swami Paramarthananda said, from […]

Bagawat Geeta Class 60 – Chapter 4

Greetings All, Shloka # 15: एवं ज्ञात्वा कृतं कर्म पूर्वैरपि मुमुक्षुभिः। कुरु कर्मैव तस्मात्त्वं पूर्वैः पूर्वतरं कृतम्।।4.15।। Knowing thus was work done by ancient seekers after liberation. Therefore you too do only work, as was done by the ancients in bygone days. Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, Arjuna wanted to escape his […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 58 – Chapter 4

Shloka # 12: काङ्क्षन्तः कर्मणां सिद्धिं यजन्त इह देवताः। क्षिप्रं हि मानुषे लोके सिद्धिर्भवति कर्मजा।।4.12।। People in the world offer scarifices to gods, desiring the success of their works. For, in this human world, quick is the success born of works. Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, up to shloka # 12 Sri […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 57

श्रीमदभगवद्गीता Chapter 4 Sloka 10 वीतरागभयक्रोधा मन्मया मामुपाश्रिताः । बहवो ज्ञानतपसा पूता मद्भावमागताः ।।4.10।। वीतरागभयक्रोधाः freed from attachment, fear and anger  मन्मयाः absorbed in Me  माम् Me  उपाश्रिताः taking refuge in  बहवः many  ज्ञानतपसा by the fire of knowledge  पूताः purified  मद्भावम् My Being  आगताः have attained. Freed from attachment, fear and anger, absorbed in […]