Tag Archives: religious study


Bagawat Geeta, Class 39

Greetings All, Shloka # 9: यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबन्धनः।

तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसंगः समाचर।।3.9।। “This world is bound by works other than those done as sacrifice, O son of Kunti. Free from attachment, do work as sacrifice.” Recapping last week’s teachings Swami Paramarthananda said Sri Krishna discussed Karma yoga from different angles. Karma Yoga consists of two […]

Upadesa Saram, Class 5

Greetings All, Shloka # 4: “Ritualistic worship, chanting and meditation are done with the body, voice and the mind; they excel each other in the ascending order.” Shloka # 5: “ Worship of God in his eight fold form, understanding that He is so manifest, is proper worship of Him.” Recapping last class Swami Paramarthananda […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 38

Greetings All, Lord Krishna talked about the importance of karma up to the 7th verse; and now from the 8th verse onwards, up to 20th verse, the Lord is dealing with the important topic of karma yoga. Hence the chapter’s name as well. It is a very important chapter of the Gita. In last class […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 37

Greetings All, Shloka # 6: कर्मेन्द्रियाणि संयम्य य आस्ते मनसा स्मरन्।

इन्द्रियार्थान्विमूढात्मा मिथ्याचारः स उच्यते।।3.6।। “ Controlling the organs of action, he who has his mind dwelling on their objects has a confounded mind; he is said to be a hypocrite.” Continuing his teaching of the Gita, Swami Paramathananda recapped last week’s class. In this shloka […]

Upadesa Saram, Class 2

Greetings All, Continuing his teaching of Upadesha Saram, Swami Paramarthananda said, in the last class we discussed that this book contains the essence of Veda Shastram. Vedas are divided into two groups: Veda Poorva- also called Karma Kanda is the step used for preparation of the mind. Vedanta – also called Gyana Kanda is the […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 35

Shloka # 1: Arjuna Said: “O Krsna! If your view is that knowledge is superior to work, why do you bid me to undertake this fearful work of war?” Starting the teaching of chapter 3 Swami Paramathanada said, this chapter begins with a question from Arjuna.  Arjuna is confused about the teaching in chapter 2. […]

Upadesa Saram, Class 1

Starting his teaching on Upadesha Saram, Swami Paramarthananda said it is another work of Bhagavan Ramana MahaRishi. It is a smaller work consisting of 30 verses. Upadesha Sahasri was another scripture written by Adi Shankaracharya, a large work consisting of 700 verses and 19 chapters.  Upadesha Saram is a comprehensive work presenting the entire Vedic […]

Kaivalya Upanshad, Class 13 – Summary

Greetings, Swamiji summarized the Kaivalya Upanishad’s teachings today. This Upanishad is known by its name as it gives Kaivalyam or Moksha or non-duality to the seeker. There is no second thing in the cosmos to limit me, not space, nor time nor object to limit me. Spatial, temporal and objectal limitations do not exist for […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 34 – Chapter 2 Summary

Swamiji offered a summary of chapter 2. The chapter is divided into four parts: 1.     Shlokas 1-10: Arjuna’s Sharanagati 2.     Shlokas 11-38: Gyana Yoga Part 3.      Shlokas 39-58: Karma Yoga Part 4.     Shlokas 54-72: Sthita Pragyaha Part He summarized each topic. Shlokas 1-10, Arjuna Sharanagati. This was a continuity of […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 33

Greetings All, Continuing his talks, Swamiji reminded us that we are in the final portion of Chapter 2 discussing the topic of Sthita Pragyaha. He is one who has acquired self-knowledge and converted it to emotional strength. Talking about the Sthita Pragyaha, Sri Krishna presents the following two topics: Sthita Pragyaha Sadhanani that tells us […]