

Namaste and welcome to the website of Vedantic Study Group of Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago. This group was started in June 2007 by a handful of students who started to listen to the pre-recorded classes of Bhagavad Geeta by Swami Paramarthananda.  Since then, this group has continued to grow and study Upanishads and other vedic philosophies under the guidance of Swami Paramarthananda.

When the pandemic started in 2020, the group was at the very end of Mandukya Upanishads – just two classes short of completing the Upanishad.  Due to pandemic, in person classes were suspended.  Soon after we started to listen to Swamiji’s classes online, enabling other students across the globe to join and benefit from Swamiji’s teachings.  So far, we have listened to many of Swamiji’s speeches given on special occasions like Guru Purnima, New Years and Maha Sivaratri.  In 2021, we started to listen to Bhagavad Gita summary taught by Swamiji in Sanskrit College.

Since June 2007, this group has completed the following classes by Swami Paramarthananda:

  • Bhagawat Gita (243 classes)
  • Tattvaodha (22 classes)
  • Atmabodha (30 classes)
  • Dhakshinamurti Sosthram (21 classes)
  • Mundaka Upanishad (38 classes)
  • Kena Upanishad (12 classes)
  • Katha Upanishad (45 classes)
  • Prashna Upanishads (22 classes)
  • Kaivalya Upanishads (13 classes)
  • Upadesa sara by Ramana Maharishi (11 classes)
  • Sad-darshanam by Ramana Maharishi (24 classes)
  • Taitreya Upanishad (51 Classes)
  • Mandukya Upanishad and Karika (81 Classes)

Our classes are open to everyone and all are welcome to attend Swamiji’s classes.  If you would like to join us for online classes, please send us an email at

The contents of this website is categorized into the following categories and you can access many resources and articles by selecting on the upper side of the screen.

  • Swamiji:   Special speeches given by Swamiji ; This section has  sub-categories of Special Talks and Quotes, which includes profound quotes made by Swamiji
  • Class Notes:  In this section, we publish notes taken by the students of Swamiji Classes.  Currently we have class notes for Baghawat Geeta, Tatva Bodha, Katha Upanishad, Prasna Upanishad, upadesha saaram, Sad-darshanam and Taitreya Upanishads. We continue to add class notes as we progress with each topic taught by Swamiji.  The class notes are written by the students of the class and we encourage all students to share their notes and comments.
  • Documents:  This section contains articles and documents related to Vedic scriptures

Thank you very much for visiting our website and your interest in Vedanta.