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Summary of Bhagavad Gita as taught by Swami Paramarthananda in his classes at Sanskrit College.


Three Gunas

Bhagwat Gita Three Gunas to Monitor One’s Spiritual Progress In Chapter 14 of Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna defines and describes the three gunas: Sattvic, Rajas and Tamas. In subsequent chapters, Lord Krishna classifies many of our daily actions and sadhanas into these three types. Swami Paramarthananda has translated Bhagwat Gita for use by his students. […]

Bhagawad Gita Summary Class Notes

Bhagavad Gita Chapters Chapter 1: The Yoga of Arjuna’s Dejection (arjuna-viṣāda-yoga) Chapter 2: The Yoga of Analysis (sāṅkhya-yoga) Chapter 3: The Yoga of Action (karma-yoga) Chapter 4: The Yoga of Knowledge (jñāna- karma-sannyāsa-yoga) Chapter 5: The Yoga of Renunciation (sannyāsa-yoga) Chapter 6: The Yoga of Meditation (dhyana-yoga) Chapter 7: The Yoga of Wisdom (jñāna-vijnana-yoga) Chapter […]

Chapter 3: The Yoga of Action (karma-yoga)

In the second chapter Lord Krishna taught karma yoga and Jñāna yoga, focusing more on Jñāna yoga.  Lord Krishna begins second chapter with Jñāna yoga and concludes the second chapter with sthira pragya.  In between the two, he discusses karma and asks Arjuna to do his karma, which is to fight the Mahabharata war.  Lord […]

Chapter 2: The Yoga of Analysis (sāṅkhya-yoga)

The actual teaching of Bhagavad Gita starts at Chapter 2 verse 11 and continues through Chapter 18 verse 66. Verses 1 to 10:  Arjuna’s saranakathi (surrender):  Attachment leads to sorrow.  When I am attached to something, I never want to lose it.  Samsara leads to raga (attachment), soga (sorrow) and mogaha (inability to decide between […]

Chapter 1: The Yoga of Arjuna’s Dejection (arjuna-viṣāda-yoga)

Factors for healthy life Objective Factors: Hygienic surrounding.Subjective Factors: My body should be strong enough to withstand challenges; extend this to mental health as wellIf any mind is sufficiently strong psychological disturbances like anger, jealousy etc.  will occur less.Intensity will also be lessThe duration will also be lessAfter effects will also be less Bhagavad Gita’s […]

Bhagavad Gita Summary

In these sections, I am reproducing my notes from classes that were given by Swami Paramarthananda as stand alone summary of Bhagavad Gita at Sanskrit College. These are the same classes that the students of Vedantic Study Group, Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago listened to online, starting in 2021. Please note that these notes are […]