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Taitreya Upanishad, Class 45

Chapter 3, Anuvakha 3, Shloka # 1: Brghu understood that prana is Brahman; because it is from prana alone that all living beings are born; having been born from it, they live by it and (in the end) on departing, they go towards prana and become one with it. Having known that, he again approached […]

Omkara Upasana

In the13th Class of Taitreya Upanishad, Swamiji discusses Omkara Upasana.  This upasana is presented in the form of a chart.  Please click on the link for a chart form of this Upasana. omkara upasana (more…)

Upasanas in Shikshavalli

Shishavalli of Taitreya Upanishad enumerates the following vedic upasanas: Samhitha Upasana Vyahirithi Upasana Hiranya Garbha Upasana Panktha Brahma Upasana Please click on the link below for a chart reproduced from Swami Paramarthananda’s book with minor additions based on Swamiji’s classes. Upasanas in Sikshavallie (more…)