Tag Archives: bagawat geeta


Baghawat Geeta, Class : Chapter 9, Verses 12 to 15

Shloka # 12: मोघाशा मोघकर्माणो मोघज्ञाना विचेतसः। राक्षसीमासुरीं चैव प्रकृतिं मोहिनीं श्रिताः।।9.12।। Futile are their desires, futile their works, and futile their cognitions! They are mindless; (for) they have resorted to the delusive nature of monsters and demons. Continuing his talk on chapter 9, Swamiji said, Sri Krishna has been describing Ishwara Swarupam from shloka […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 120: Chapter 9, Verses 8 to 12

Shloka # 8: प्रकृतिं स्वामवष्टभ्य विसृजामि पुनः पुनः। भूतग्राममिमं कृत्स्नमवशं प्रकृतेर्वशात्।।9.8।। Resorting, again and again, I loose forth this entire multidude of bound beings, swayed by and dependent on that nature. Continuing his talk on chapter 9, Swamiji said, from shloka # 4 Sri Krishna is dealing with Ishwara Rupam. This topic is discussed until […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 119: Chapter 9, Verses 4 to 8

Shloka # 4: मया ततमिदं सर्वं जगदव्यक्तमूर्तिना। मत्स्थानि सर्वभूतानि न चाहं तेष्ववस्थितः।।9.4।। The entire world has been pervaded by Me in my unmanifest form. All beings dwell in Me, but I dwell not in them. Continuing his talk on chapter 9, Swamiji said, in the first three shlokas of Chapter 9, Sri Krishna has introduced […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 118: Chapter 9, Verses 1 – 4

Greetings All, Starting his talk on chapter 9, Swamiji said, we have completed chapter 8, a unique chapter dealing with Krama Mukti, a topic discussed by the Upanishads as well. Sri Krishna is trying to cover all aspects of the Upanishads including Krama Mukti. And in this krama mukti topic, a person is asked to […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 117: Chapter 8 Summary

Swamiji provided a summary of the chapter today. He said this chapter is in the middle section of the Gita. The middle section is from Chapter 7 through chapter 12. Here one of the sadhanas highlighted is Upasana. Upasana is discussed all the way up to chapter 12. It is an important sadhana. It is […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 116: Chapter 8, Verses 23 to 28

Shloka # 22: पुरुषः स परः पार्थ भक्त्या लभ्यस्त्वनन्यया। यस्यान्तःस्थानि भूतानि येन सर्वमिदं ततम्।।8.22।।  The supreme Spirit, O Arjuna! may be won by means of unswerving devotion-the Spirit in whom all beings dwell and by whom all this is pervaded. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, Sri Krishna made a comparative and contrasting study of two […]

Bhagawat Geeta, Class 115: Chapter 8, Verses 18 to 22

Greetings All, अव्यक्ताद्व्यक्तयः सर्वाः प्रभवन्त्यहरागमे। रात्र्यागमे प्रलीयन्ते तत्रैवाव्यक्तसंज्ञके।।8.18।। At break of day, all individuals are born of the Unmanifest; when night falls, they are dissolved in the same Unmanifest. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, from shloka # 15 to shloka # 22, Sri Krishna is comparing two forms of human goals. One attainable through karma […]

Bhawat Geeta Class 114: Chapter 8, Verses 12 to 18

Shloka # 12: सर्वद्वाराणि संयम्य मनो हृदि निरुध्य च। मूर्ध्न्याधायात्मनः प्राणमास्थितो योगधारणाम्।।8.12।। Controlling all gateways of the senses, confining the mind in the heart, fixing the life breath in the crown and intent on the maintenance of Yoga. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, from shloka # 6 onwards, of chapter # 8, Sri Krishna has […]

Bhagawat Geeta, Class 113 : Chapter 8, Verses 8 to 12

Shloka # 8: अभ्यासयोगयुक्तेन चेतसा नान्यगामिना। परमं पुरुषं दिव्यं याति पार्थानुचिन्तयन्।।8.8।। O Arjuna! Steadily thinking with an unswerving mind, disciplined in the yoga of repeated practice, one proceeds to the supreme, divine Spirit. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, Sri Krishna answering the seventh question of Arjuna, from the fifth shloka onwards, is dealing with topic […]