Tag Archives: paramarthananda


Bhawat Geeta Class 114: Chapter 8, Verses 12 to 18

Shloka # 12: सर्वद्वाराणि संयम्य मनो हृदि निरुध्य च। मूर्ध्न्याधायात्मनः प्राणमास्थितो योगधारणाम्।।8.12।। Controlling all gateways of the senses, confining the mind in the heart, fixing the life breath in the crown and intent on the maintenance of Yoga. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, from shloka # 6 onwards, of chapter # 8, Sri Krishna has […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 45

Chapter 3, Anuvakha 3, Shloka # 1: Brghu understood that prana is Brahman; because it is from prana alone that all living beings are born; having been born from it, they live by it and (in the end) on departing, they go towards prana and become one with it. Having known that, he again approached […]

Bhagawat Geeta, Class 113 : Chapter 8, Verses 8 to 12

Shloka # 8: अभ्यासयोगयुक्तेन चेतसा नान्यगामिना। परमं पुरुषं दिव्यं याति पार्थानुचिन्तयन्।।8.8।। O Arjuna! Steadily thinking with an unswerving mind, disciplined in the yoga of repeated practice, one proceeds to the supreme, divine Spirit. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, Sri Krishna answering the seventh question of Arjuna, from the fifth shloka onwards, is dealing with topic […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 44

Ch 3, Anuvakaha 1,  Shlokas 3:  To him (Bhrgu) he (Varuna) again said: that from which these beings are born; that by which, having been born, these beings live and continue to exist; and that into which, when departing, they all enter; that seekest thou to know. That is Brahman.” He Bhrgu performed penance; and […]

Bhgawat Geeta Class 112, Chapter 8: Verses 5 to 8

Shloka # 5: अन्तकाले च मामेव स्मरन्मुक्त्वा कलेवरम्। यः प्रयाति स मद्भावं याति नास्त्यत्र संशयः।।8.5।। At the end, whoso departs giving up his body, and remembering Me alone, proceeds to My status; of this there is no doubt. Continuing his teaching Swamiji said, based upon the last two shlokas of chapter 7 Arjuna raises his […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 43

Chapter 3 or Brghuvalli: Chapter 3 preview: Starting with his preview of Chapter 3, Swamiji said, Brahmavidya teaching was completed in Brahmanandavalli or chapter 2. Now the Upanishad focuses on some allied topics. Brahmavidya is not the focus anymore but it is discussed with other topics. The other topics are: Gyana Sadhanani or preparatory disciplines […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 111: Chapter 8, Verses 1 to 5

Starting chapter 8, Swamiji said, this chapter is primarily based upon the last two shlokas of chapter 7. In Chapter 7, in the last two shlokas, Sri Krishna introduced some technical terms without explaining them. They were: Karma, Brahma, Adhyatmam, Adhibhutam, Adhidaivam, and Adhiyajnam. He also mentioned remembering god at the time of death. The […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 42: Summary of Brahmanandavalli

Greetings All, Swamiji said, today, I am giving you a summary of the Brahmanandavalli chapter. It is the main chapter of the Upanishad giving us the vedantic teaching. Chapters 1 and 3 are considered preparatory chapters dealing with preparatory disciplines only. Preparatory disciplines are also important in understanding Brahmanandavalli. In my summary, I am going […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 110: Chapter 7 Summary

Greetings All, Providing the summary swamiji said, chapter 7 is a turning point in the Gita teaching. In the first six chapters, three topics were dealt with: jiva svarupam; prayathnah; and karma yogah; Jiva svarupam means the essential nature of the individual. The individual is neither the perishable body, nor the changing mind, but the […]

Taitreya Upanishad Class 41

Greetings All, Ch 2, Anuvakaha 8, Shloka # 12: The Reality in the core of man and the Reality which is in the sun are one. He who knows this, on leaving from this world, first attains the Atman made of food, next the Atman made of Prana, next attains the Atman made of mind, […]