Tag Archives: paramarthananda


Taitreya Upanishad, Class 7

Greetings All, Chapter # 1, Anuvaka # 3, Shloka # 6: Continuing his teaching of the Upanishad and recapping the Anuvaka # 3 so far, Swami Paramarthananda said, we are in the last part of the Samshito Upasanas. All five upsanas put together are known as Maha Samshito Upasanas. In each Upasana the Alambanam (meditation) […]

Bhagawat Geeta, Class 76, Chapter 5 Verses 19 – 22

Greetings All, Shloka # 19: इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साम्ये स्थितं मनः। निर्दोषं हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद्ब्रह्मणि ते स्थिताः।।5.19।। Even here is birth vanquished by them whose mind abides in equality. Flawless indeed is Brahman, the same; hence they abide in Brahman. Continuing his teaching of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, from the 13th to # […]

Baghawat Geeta Class 75, Chapter 5, Verses 17 to 19

Greetings All, Shloka # 17: तद्बुद्धयस्तदात्मानस्तन्निष्ठास्तत्परायणाः। गच्छन्त्यपुनरावृत्तिं ज्ञाननिर्धूतकल्मषाः।।5.17।। With intellect set on It as the Self, perceiving It as the Self, devoted to It, It being the supreme abode, the sages, their sins routed by knowledge, proceed to that status whence there is no return. Continuing his teaching of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, from the […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 74 Chapter 5, Verses 15 to 17

Greetings All, नादत्ते कस्यचित्पापं न चैव सुकृतं विभुः। अज्ञानेनावृतं ज्ञानं तेन मुह्यन्ति जन्तवः।।5.15।। The mighty Being accepts nobody’s sin or merit. Knowledge is shrouded in ignorance; therefore are living beings deluded. Continuing his teaching of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, after talking about karma yoga as the first stage of sadhanas, now Sri Krishna is talking […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 73, Chapter 5 Verses 13 to 15

Greetings All,  Shloka # 13: सर्वकर्माणि मनसा संन्यस्यास्ते सुखं वशी। नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन्न कारयन्।।5.13।। Mentally renouncing all works, and self-controlled, the embodied being happily sits in the nine-gated city, neither working nor causing others to work. Continuing his teaching of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, in first part of Chapter 5, Sri Krishna pointed […]

Taitreaya Upanishads, Class 5

Greetings All, Chapter 1,Shikshavalli. Paragraph # 2: Continuing his teaching of the Upanishad, Swami Paramarthananda said, the chapter # 1, Shikshavalli, is Sadhana Pradhana. We started the teaching with Shiksha shastram that provides the rules for mantra chanting. Shankaracharya pointed out that the method of chanting is very important in Vedas. He says, initially the […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 4

Greetings All, Chapter 1,Shikshavalli. Paragraph # 1: Continuing his teaching of the Upanishad, Swami Paramarthananda said, Taittiriya Upanishad is written in prose. The first chapter that we are getting into is called Shikshavalli and it has 12 anuvakaha’s. Anuvakaha means a paragraph. It can also sometimes mean a chapter. Shikshavalli’s first and the last or […]

Baghawat Geeta Class 72, Chapter 5, Verses 10 – 13

 Greetings All, Shloka # 10: रह्मण्याधाय कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा करोति यः। लिप्यते न स पापेन पद्मपत्रमिवाम्भसा।।5.10।। Reposing all works in Brahman, he operates without attachment; he is not stained by sin as a lotus is not by water Continuing his teaching of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, we saw in the beginning of chapter 5 that […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 3

Greetings All, Continuing his introduction to the Upanishad, Swami Paramarthananda said, in the last class he pointed out that among many Upanishads ten are most important due to Shankaracharya writing commentaries on them. All of them are chosen from the Vedas. Taittiriya Upanishad is from Yajur Veda. Yajur veda has two branches. Krishna Yajur and […]

Baghawat Geeta Class 71, Chapter 5, Verses 7 to 10

Shloka # 7: योगयुक्तो विशुद्धात्मा विजितात्मा जितेन्द्रियः। सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा कुर्वन्नपि न लिप्यते।।5.7।। Established in Yoga, his mind purified, his self and senses controlled, his Self becomes the Self of all living beings, he is not tainted though he works. Greetings All, Continuing his teachings of Gita, Swami Paramarthananda said, in previous six shlokas Sri Krishna clarified […]