Tag Archives: paramarthananda


Bagawat Geeta, Class 34 – Chapter 2 Summary

Swamiji offered a summary of chapter 2. The chapter is divided into four parts: 1.     Shlokas 1-10: Arjuna’s Sharanagati 2.     Shlokas 11-38: Gyana Yoga Part 3.      Shlokas 39-58: Karma Yoga Part 4.     Shlokas 54-72: Sthita Pragyaha Part He summarized each topic. Shlokas 1-10, Arjuna Sharanagati. This was a continuity of […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 33

Greetings All, Continuing his talks, Swamiji reminded us that we are in the final portion of Chapter 2 discussing the topic of Sthita Pragyaha. He is one who has acquired self-knowledge and converted it to emotional strength. Talking about the Sthita Pragyaha, Sri Krishna presents the following two topics: Sthita Pragyaha Sadhanani that tells us […]

Kaivalya Upanisahd, Class 12

Greetings All, Shloka’s 22 & 23: Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad,  Swamiji says, from shloka’s 15-22, the teacher is revealing the nature of Brahman via a subtle method called Adhyaroopa Apavada Gyanam. This method is an important method in Vedanta. Example of this method is given below: A man has a pot in hand. […]

Nirupadhika and Sopadhika

This post is to explain Shloka 21, of Kaivalya Upanishads Adhyasa is of two kinds. When a rope is mistaken for a snake, the snake alone is seen. The existence of the rope is not known at all. Here the snake is said to be superimposed on the rope. This is known as Svarupa-Adhyasa. The […]

Karanam and Karyam

Portion of Swamiji’s lecture on Shivarthri: In the first stage of Ishwara Aradhanam we defined Ishwara as shrithi-shruthi-laya kartha. We use the word jagat kartha but in the second stage, Ishwara jnanam, the language is slightly changed. Instead of the word “kartha” we use the word “karanam”. Now we define God as the cause of […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 11

Greetings All, Shloka # 19: Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, recapping last week’s lessons, Swamiji says, in all these mahavakya mantras the Jivatma-paramatma aikyam is revealed. Jiva and Parama are not intrinsic properties of Atma. Their manifestation depends upon the medium. Just as a face appears different in a convex or concave mirror so […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 32

Greetings All, Continuing his talk, Swamiji reminded us that Arjuna wanted to know about Sthita Pragyaha. Sthita Pragyaha is one who has acquired Self Knowledge. Sri Krishna deals with the topic in two parts. Traits of Sthita Pragya or lakshanani and How to become Sthita Pragyaha or the Sadhanani. Natural traits of sthitha pragyaha were […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 10

Shloka # 16: Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, recapping last week’s lessons, Swamiji says, All these mantras are known as maha-vakyas. They reveal Jivatma-paramatma aikyam. They are not two separate entities. They are essentially one and the same. The Atma manifests itself through Vyashti (micro) and Samashthi (macro) mediums. The mediums are known as […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 31

Greetings All, Continuing his talk, Swamiji reminded us that Sri Krishna deals with two topics, Sthita Pragya Lakshanani and Sthita Pragyaha Sadhanani, in the final portion of chapter 2. Sthitha means assimilation of teaching. This is conversion of intellectual knowledge into emotional strength. Kama, krodha, raga and dvesha do not affect him. How does he […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 9

Greetings All, Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, Swamiji says, after talking about nidhidhyasanam, Brahmaji has come to sravanam and mananam in reverse order. Sri Krishna also does the same when he reverses the order in chapter 2 of the Gita dealing with Gyana yoga first and then coming to Karma yoga. It is the […]