Tag Archives: paramarthananda


Bagawat Geeta, Class 17

Greetings All, Gita, Chapter # 2, Samkhya Yoga: Refreshing our memory of last class, Swamiji reminded us that Sri Krishna wants to persuade Arjuna to fight the war. He teaches him from three angles. The three angles are Philosophical, Ethical/Moral/Dharmic and finally from Laukika Drishthi. He shows Arjuna that when looked at from all three […]

Prasna Upanishad Class 15

Greetings All, Swamiji continued his talks on Prasna Upanishad. Fourth Question Summarizing last week’s discussions, Swamiji says, the fourth student asked Pippallada five questions centered on the dream state: What are the things that are asleep? What are the things that are awake? Who experiences the dream? When everything is resolved, who is enjoying the […]

Prasna Upanishad, Class 14

Greetings All Swamiji continued his talks on Prasna Upanishad. Fourth Question Summarizing the gist of last chapter (Question 3) Swamiji says, the Student asked Pippallada five questions.  Where does Prana come from? It comes out of Atma like a shadow. How Prana arrives into the body? It arrives into the body due to Manokrithe from […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 16

Gita, Chapter # 2, Samkhya Yoga: Swamiji starts off by refreshing our memory of last week’s talks and specifically Shlokas 14 and 15. Sri Krishna wants to solve Arjuna’s sorrow and wants him to fight the dharma adharma yudham. He teaches a philosophical approach consisting of Atma Anatma Viveka, a Dharmic approach consisting of Dharma […]

Prasna Upanishad, Class 13

Greetings All, Swamiji continued his talks on Prasna Upanishad. Third Question Summarizing his talks from last week, Swamiji says, the last part of the third question was how does this Prana (Samasthi) sustain the external universe? How does the Prana, as Vyashthi, sustain the individual? Prana does not sustain Atma, it only sustains Anatma. Vyashthi […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 15

Gita, Chapter # 2, Samkhya Yoga: Swamiji starts off by refreshing our memory of last week’s talks. Arjuna expresses his helplessness and surrenders to Sri Krishna in grief and requests him to teach. He raises the question if it is correct to fight one’s guru and kin. Sri Krishna takes three approaches in answering Arjuna. […]

Prasna Upanishad, Class 12

Greetings All, Swamiji continued his talks on Prasna Upanishad. Third Question Summarizing his talks up to Shloka # 5 Swamiji says the third student asks for some more details about Prana. The third question has following five questions: From where does this Prana (Vyashti and Samashthi) come from? What is the origin of Hiranyagarbha or […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 14

Greetings All, Gita, Chapter # 2, Samkhya Yoga: Swamiji starts off by reminding us that Arjuna expresses his helplessness and surrenders to Sri Krishna and requests him to teach.  Sri Krishna accepts Arjuna as a student and starts teaching him the Gita.  The teaching begins from Shloka 11 of Chapter 2 and continues till Shloka […]

Prasna Upanishad, Class 11

Greetings All, Swamiji continued his talks on Prasna Upanishad. Third Question Swamiji says in first chapter Srishti was discussed. The Krishna Gathi and Shukla Gathi were emphasized. Having discussed these, the second and third chapters are dedicated to Prana (at Vyashti level) and Hiranyagarbha (at Samashti level). For sake of Prana Upasana, glory of Prana […]

Baghawat Geeta, Class 13

Greetings All, Gita, Chapter # 2, Samkhya Yoga: Swamiji starts off by reminding us that Vyasa now presents Arjuna as a seeker of moksha. The fundamental human problem characterized by Raga (Likes), Dvesha (Dislikes) and Moha (delusion) is also called Samsara.  Due to attachment, when we lose a person or an object, it causes us […]