Tag Archives: upanishads


Mandukya Upanishad, Class 3

Greetings All, Swamiji said, in last class we saw that in Vedanta when Shabda Pramanam is employed properly through Srvanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasanam; through a qualified Guru; it will produce Gyanam. Even though words normally don’t reveal Brahman, the Upanishad still uses different methods to reveal Brahman through words. The Gyani parampara is proof of […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 2

Introduction to the Upanishad, continued Swamiji said, in last class we saw that Vedanta Pramanam is the only means of Brahma Gyanam; all others are extrovert and reveal only anatma. Vedanta Pramanam, in words, however, reveals Brahman. Scriptures however, say Brahman is beyond description of words. They say, words cannot describe Brahman; however, Upanishad itself […]

Mandukya Upanishads, Class 1

Introduction to the Upanishad: Greetings All, Swamiji said, having completed Taittiriya Upanishad now we are entering Mandukya Upanishad. It is a different Upanishad from Mundako Upanishad. Today, I will give you a general introduction to this Upanishad. In the introduction I will consolidate the introductions of previous Upanishads. Thus our original scriptures are called Vedas […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 51

Greetings All, Swamiji said, today I will give you a summary of Brghuvalli. It is the third and final chapter of the Upanishad. Main teaching of Upanishad was in Chapter 2 on the topic of Brahma Vidya. Chapter 3 deals with certain other but important topics. Chapter 3 begins with the word Brghu, hence the […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 50

Greetings All, Ch 3, Anuvakaha 10, Shloka # 5: The Reality in the core of man and the Reality that is in the sun are one. He knows this, on leaving this world, first attains this Atman made of food, next attains this Atman made of Prana, next this Atman made of mind, next this […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 49

Ch 3, Anuvaka 10, shloka # 3: Now follows the meditation upon the adhidaivika; as satisfaction in the rains, as power of lightning; as fame in the cattle, as light in the stars, as off-spring, immortality and joy in the organs of procreation and as all in the akasha. Swamiji said we are in anuvakaha […]

Taitreya Upanishad, Class 48

Ch 3, Anuvakaha 10, Shloka # 1: Do not turn away anybody who seeks shelter and lodging. This is the vow. Let one, therefore, acquire much food by any means whatsoever. They should say: “Food is ready”. If the food is prepared in the best manner, the food is given to him (the guest) also […]

Taitreya Upanishad Class 47

Ch 3, Anuvakaha 8, Shloka # 1: Do not reject food. That is duty. Water is food. Fire is the food eater. Fire is fixed in water, water is fixed in fire. So food is fixed in food. He who knows that food is fixed in food, gets established in Brahman. He becomes possessor of […]

Tatitreya Upanishad, Class 46

Ch 3, Anuvakaha 6, Shloka # 1: He knew that Bliss was Brahman, for, from Bliss all these beings are produced, by Bliss do these things live. They go to Bliss on departing and become one with it—this is the knowledge learnt by Bhrgu and taught by Varuna. This is established in the supreme space-in […]